Sunday, November 20, 2011

How To Make Money Writing and Selling E-Books on the Internet - 5 Powerful Tips

I recently read stats that thirteen million e-book readers where purchased in 2010, up 325% from 2009. That number is expected to grow exponentially by 4th quarter 2011. E-book sales increased 400% and were just slightly under one billion dollars in sales last year. All of that powerful sales activity is only going to multiply. Are you going to be one of the people to supply e-books to over thirteen million e-book readers? There is certainly enough room for your book to be part of the revolution. Tapping into the market can be as easy as applying these 5 powerful tips on the best ways to make money writing and selling e-books on the Internet.

Tip One

Find out what people want to know and give that information to them. You can create an entire dynasty of books if you write for the purpose of providing information. The Internet is the quickest way to find out what people want to know. For example you can go to any question and answer site on the web and find out what people want to know. The title of this article is related to one of those questions. In my research 88,400 people want to know this information.

On my podcast I had the opportunity to interview John Kremer who is a popular information writer and provider. I asked him why he decided to write his best-selling book 1001 Ways to Market Your Book and to create, it was because he found there was an audience interested in information about writing and marketing books. He wrote one book, addressed the need for marketing information and has made a career out of it.

Tip Two

It becomes much easier to learn how to make money writing and selling e-books on the Internet when you begin to apply key word strategies. Key words help you to determine what people are looking for and are used to help people find you. Content ideas for your e-books can be populated very easily that way. The best way to use key words is to avoid using highly competitive key words. I would recommend obtaining a copy of the book The SEO Bible to learn more about key word strategies.

Tip Three

Marketing your e-book is all about getting the most exposure for it that you can get. Many people think it is hard to learn Internet marketing skills but it really is not if you begin to build knowledge daily. Set a side a few minutes every day, learn a marketing concept and then apply it. I am going to help you start by suggesting 5 things to learn and apply within five days. This probably will take less than 15 minutes a day to do but it can increase your ability to sell books tremendously. One - find out what is affiliate marketing and sign up for an account. One of the biggest sources is Click Bank. Two - visit and pick out at least three Google tools you can use to market your book. Three - find a book on Amazon that is extremely popular, read that book and then leave a review that contains information about your e-book. Four - sign up for at least 2 article directories and see how people are using the information and then begin to do the same. You can post information about your book in the bottom tag line of the article. People use articles because they are highly distributed which means more people get to know about you and your e-book. Five- read articles on paid per click and see if it would be an effective way to market your book.

Tip Four

Consider unusual places to sell your book. The following places are not the first to come to mind but people are actively using them to sell e-books: Sales Community US Free

Tip Five

The final way to learn how to make money writing and selling e-books on the Internet is to get involved in forums. One of the most useful forums to get involved in is Kindle Forums. I interviewed Vicki Lieski an independent author on my podcast, she stated that one of the main influences for her being able to sell over 113,000 e-books was getting involved with the Kindle community, getting to know the people in the forum and then using any opportunities they presented. The main opportunity was getting involved with interview requests. There are forums and social networking communities throughout the web, get involved.

Promoting a book has never been easier with all of the wonderful tools available today. The Internet has made it possible to literally become an expert book marketer. The playing field between traditional publishers and self -publishers has been lowered because of the World Wide Web. Smart self-publishers are rising to the occasion and learning to promote books in highly effective ways. If you have enjoyed this article please share it, tweet it, like it or post in your communities. Helping authors has been a joy for me. Follow me on Twitter. Feel free to join my new You Tube channel Book Marketing Pros. Or just stop by my website at book marketing professionals and listen to my podcasts which are filled with useful marketing information from the best sources in the industry. Have a question about book marketing? Just ask. Happy book promoting!!!

Linda Leon is a book marketing professional with over 20 years experience in the field. Feel free to contact her website at or her blog at

By Linda Leon


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