Sunday, August 28, 2011

Follow Up Or Multi-Part Content Versus Stand Alone Content

When you sit down to write your latest article, blog post or report it's very tempting to add multi-part or multi-volume information.

For example, if you explain a complex step by step process such as setting up a website, you might write one article about getting a web host, one article about registering a domain name, one article about setting up a blog. These are all separate articles.

When you are limited to such a short length, you're choices are either to cram all the information into one article and then not have much to say, really only have an overview or, split up your content into multiple parts.

I am here to tell you that you need to write as if you are writing stand alone information, and that means that if you write about setting up a WordPress blog you assume someone has gone through the earlier steps without directly referencing them.

This makes it easier for you to reuse your content and when you put these together as auto-responder emails they are very easy to connect.

What you can do as well is then place these separate articles into a report and add a few sentences here and there referencing the earlier chapters so it all becomes on cohesive guide.

This might have seemed confusing, but when you first write content you should write it all so it stands alone.

There are many reasons for this. First of all, if someone comes to a blog post and you have titled it Part 3 of 6, they are either going to click over to Part 1 or give up in frustration.

You want someone who arrives on your site to begin reading immediately. In addition, many sites that accept articles and guest blog posts do not want you to have multi-part content for the same reason because what if you posted Part 3 of something on their site and Part 1 of something on your site. Now it becomes very confusing for the reader and they won't find the information they need.

Make your articles stand alone on their own.

Then what you do is if you have some kind of an email newsletter you can easily add a sentence or two at the top or at the bottom bridging the gap between the individual lessons. Here is what I mean, I mean you might have that multi-part course on which steps someone should take to set up a website, and they join your email newsletter, and get the edition about getting a domain name. At the end you stay tuned tomorrow because I will be sending you a message on how to get a web host. In the next email you say yesterday you learned about getting a domain name, today you will learn about web hosting and at the end of that email, you say tomorrow we will talk about a WordPress blog.

Now when you have these bridges in the content in your emails, it makes for a very nice little report and what you can do in that report is link to the various resources and even link back to chapters. For example, at the start of the blog chapter, you can link back to the chapter about getting a domain name.

The important thing is when you put content out in the wild for free to be syndicated on other sites, make is stand alone and then it is much easier to entangle the content once you use in your email auto-responder list and put it together in your report.

Find out everything you need to know about making a PDF report, setting up a download page, installing a membership site, and even making an email auto-responder follow up sequence at

By Robert Plank


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