Monday, December 28, 2009

eBook Writing - 6 More Ways To Write Your eBook Now!

By Ellen Violette

1. Write 7 or 8 free tips to give away for your autoresponder sequence. Then turn each one of those into chapter headings and write your ebook from there. If you can’t come up with 7 or 8 tips then you don’t know enough about your subject to be writing about it!

2. Talk into a tape recorder and just let your ideas flow. You’re already an expert in your field so you have the knowledge in your head that you need to create an ebook. When you just start talking, you’ll be surprised at how much information you already have for your ebook. Also, don’t judge or edit while you are getting your ideas down. Once you are done, have it transcribed so you can look at it later and organize it into an ebook.

3. Use a software program like Dragon Speak Naturally. This program allows you to talk right into your computer so it transcribes as you speak. Again don’t judge or edit, just talk. Then go back and see how you can organize it into an ebook

4. Talk to a friend on the telephone. Some people need someone to bounce their ideas off of. If that’s you then this is a great option. Be sure to record it, then have it transcribed. You may want to do some editing later or it may be great just the way it is. But for many people this removes the pressure of a formal teleseminar situation.

5. Learn how to write an ebook from an ebook on ebook writing! Many people have written ebooks from an ebook on ebook writing, but it doesn’t work for everyone. If it works for you, it’s an inexpensive way to get your ebook written the right way. But be sure to buy from someone who is getting the results you want.

6. Take a workshop on ebook writing. If you can’t do it on your own, let somebody walk you through the process! Again make sure they have a proven process that works and that they are getting the results you want.

eBook writing is easy once you get over the idea that writing is hard. In fact, it should be very conversational and we all know how to talk! So whether you actually write it or speak it, the main thing is that you have good information to share and that you connect with your audience. Anyone can create an ebook if you know your material so pick the process that's easiest for you and create your ebook now!

Visit for more tips and tools on ebook writing and marketing. You can also subscribe to 9 Free Secret eBook Tips To Making Money Online and The eBook Profit Secrets Newsletter ($147) at: for insightful articles, technical tips, q & a's and more! You are also invited to visit where frustrated writers become bona fide authors in 72 hours or less!


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