Friday, October 23, 2009

How to Speak Japanese in Two Months

By Andrew Takuya

Have you always been wanting to go Japan but were worried that you could not understand a single word? Are you able to speak Japanese with your Japanese friends, colleagues or clients? Are you going to work in Japan? You thought of learning how to speak Japanese but due to your busy schedule, you do not have the time to learn. You may have thought that learning to speak Japanese can be time consuming, difficult and expensive. Do you know you will be able to speak and understand basic Japanese in two months time if you are serious in learning how to speak Japanese.

Learning a new language can a challenging task. To fully understand the theory and culture of Japanese is also amazing. So, if you want to speak Japanese language in two months time, you need to prepare a few things.

- A good Japanese language guide that include translation, transcript, audio and explanation of Japanese culture.

- Set aside some time to learn Japanese every day.

- A Japanese serial drama.

To really understand the Japanese language, you need to set about an hour of time aside everyday. This is to make you understand the Japanese Culture and learning the right ways to speak and write Japanese. When you learn Japanese language on your own, you may meet up with some difficulties in remembering or understanding the words. Hence, being able to get some help from some Japanese teachers, natives or friends would greatly help to correct your ways of learning how to speak Japanese. After a month of learning, you should start to watch Japanese serial drama in their language, find those with subtitles that you can understand. If possible, you can get a few friends to learn together so that all of you will be able to motivate and practise speaking Japanese language with each other.


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