Thursday, October 29, 2009

Learn How To Speak Conversational Spanish Fast! Before You Learn To Read And Write Spanish

By Karen Xavier

Why should we learn how to speak conversational Spanish? Well, there are millions of Spanish speaking Immigrants living in the United States who have difficulty speaking the English language and therefore if we are to communicate with them or employ them, then learning to speak Spanish would only serve to benefit.

English is the most spoken language in the World, and the second most spoken language in the United States is Spanish. It is the language embraced by many who were born in Central America, Latin America and some Caribbean islands. .

Excellent Start.

Conversational language is the most natural way to learn. Therefore, if you are to learn to write and understand Spanish, then the most important step is to learn how to speak conversational Spanish. Speaking in this way is natural and it enables you to carry on a conversation with anyone at the level of the native tongue. This is important because an integral part of learning any language, is the tone and accentuation used. In fact, Spanish word inflections can mean different things to different people.

This level of learning reduces the need to worry about verbs and conjugation and other grammatical gotchas. You will learn how it is spoken without the frills or pressure to memorize. Learn how to speak conversational Spanish and everything else will eventually fall in place. Most of the learning and retaining will come from picturing how the words and the phrases that you learn apply to the situation and the context of the conversation. This allows you to retain much faster as there will be an emotional attachment between the words, actions and the picture you create in your mind about the conversation.

So can anyone learn how to speak conversational Spanish?. Yes, and it is very simple! You will need to find a good interactive training course. Not just any, but one that will allow you to interact in real time conversation. There are many of them out there, but two of them I have used in the past and have found to be very effective.

Monday, October 26, 2009

How To Speak In German

By Anastacia Huang

Want to know how to speak in German or a new foreign language? You can learn German through many different ways. What is the best way to learn German fast and interesting? Many find the old traditional ways of learning German like attending classes or learning through a book very boring.

Basically, there are 4 points to take note when it comes to learning a new language. Read, Listen, Speak and Write. With all the 4 basic elements, you also have to practice because practice will make it perfect.


Firstly, you need to read German Language Phrase Books or books for German Language beginners. It is best to read the books accompanied with CD so that you can pronounce the words accurately.


Repeat the German Language Cds continuously. I would suggest you playing it over and over again such as when you are driving, lying on the bed or even cooking. This would allow you to familiarize and memorize the words better as our brain tend to forget what we have seen or read easily. Still in doubt? Can you remember what kind of advertisements you saw yesterday? That is the logic I am trying to explain.


Practice will make it perfect. Visit the place where the language you are studying is commonly use or practice your German language with your German friends.


Writing will make your German language better and at the same time you can understand the grammar and vocabulary more easily than you read or listen.

Picking up a German language can be easy if you are eager to learn. Perhaps you must be giving yourself excuses like "No time to attend lessons", "Too expensive to hire a German tutor" or even "Boring" etc. Actually learning German can fun and cheap with Rocket German. Everything are taught in trendy and interesting ways.

Stop giving yourself excuses not to learn German. Click Here to find out how you can learn German in cheap and interesting ways.

Friday, October 23, 2009

How to Speak Japanese in Two Months

By Andrew Takuya

Have you always been wanting to go Japan but were worried that you could not understand a single word? Are you able to speak Japanese with your Japanese friends, colleagues or clients? Are you going to work in Japan? You thought of learning how to speak Japanese but due to your busy schedule, you do not have the time to learn. You may have thought that learning to speak Japanese can be time consuming, difficult and expensive. Do you know you will be able to speak and understand basic Japanese in two months time if you are serious in learning how to speak Japanese.

Learning a new language can a challenging task. To fully understand the theory and culture of Japanese is also amazing. So, if you want to speak Japanese language in two months time, you need to prepare a few things.

- A good Japanese language guide that include translation, transcript, audio and explanation of Japanese culture.

- Set aside some time to learn Japanese every day.

- A Japanese serial drama.

To really understand the Japanese language, you need to set about an hour of time aside everyday. This is to make you understand the Japanese Culture and learning the right ways to speak and write Japanese. When you learn Japanese language on your own, you may meet up with some difficulties in remembering or understanding the words. Hence, being able to get some help from some Japanese teachers, natives or friends would greatly help to correct your ways of learning how to speak Japanese. After a month of learning, you should start to watch Japanese serial drama in their language, find those with subtitles that you can understand. If possible, you can get a few friends to learn together so that all of you will be able to motivate and practise speaking Japanese language with each other.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why You Should Know How To Speak And Write In Japanese

By Nadav Snir

In today's world, Japanese is becoming more and more important. It is almost impossible to work your way into this world without knowing even some Asian languages. The reasons for knowing Japanese become stronger every day. People who know this language get a competitive edge over their colleagues who don't, and it looks like this trend is not going to stop in the near future.

Japanese is important in the business world. Japan is one of the biggest economies on earth, and as such it is an important market for almost every company. Research has shown that speaking the native language with a person makes him feel more confident, and confidence is everything in business. Speaking Japanese with a native will most likely give you an edge over competitors in your market.

Fluency in many languages makes people smart and knowledgeable. When people are faced with a multilingual person, they perceive him as an intelligent person who is worthy of their trust. An Asian language is agreed to be a "hard" language to master, and people who speak it are treated as experts in oriental cultures. It is also easier for them to make friends and meet other people.

The culture of Japan is one of the most fascinating cultures on this planet. To know a culture, you first need to know the local language. The key to the Japanese culture goes through the Japanese language. Only this way you can truly realize the beauty of the local culture. The Japanese culture is very beautiful, and well worth knowing.

To learn Japanese the best possible way, you need to get a course that enables you to learn and practice your language skills in your own time. Researchers found that self studying this way is the best way to learn this language outside of Japan.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Learning To Speak French - An Astonishingly Simple Method You Can Use To Learn French Fast!

By Franck Silvestre

There is not only one way to learn French or any other new language. In fact, everyone is different and the truth is that the more you practice, the better your spoken language will become.

However, French is not easy and it will require a lot of time, passion and determination.

Let me give you some tips that will help you to learn new languages fast. I am a French native speaker and as you can see I write in English, and I speak fluently as well.

English was pretty easy to learn. I also speak Spanish and Arabic. Arabic is even more difficult than French, and I learned the basics of the language pretty quickly.

Spanish and English are both Latin languages, but Arabic is totally different. I can speak and write like a native of these different countries.

So how I do it?

1. Listen

You need to listen a lot. Get an iPod and plug some stories and French lessons inside.

2. Learn in your car

Whenever you have time are you are commuting, be sure to hear some French, and repeat what you hear to grab the accent. Don't worry, nobody will actually hear you.

2. Immersion

Find someone who is native and tell him that you want to learn how to speak. A native will help you improve your language skills tremendously.

4. Travel to a French speaking country!

This will force you to speak and to learn the modern language. Just a week or two will be fine the first time. Be sure to know your basic sentences and have a lot of vocabulary before you decide to go there.

5. Read a lot

This is perhaps even more important than immersion. You need to read everything you can. Whenever you see a new word, research the definition in a good dictionary.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Learn To Speak and Read Japanese Easily With This Secret Method

By John J Thompson

Perhaps the best ways to learn to speak and read Japanese are to speak and read it. Joining a few tutorials and following the lessons alone will not help, and even if they do, you will not learn the proper accent. This will be something like learning English from the books alone, without interacting with anybody else.

Constant interaction with Japanese speaking people and living in Japanese environment is very much necessary to learn to speak and read Japanese correctly. Try to make as many friends with Japanese people (or at least those who speak it efficiently) as you can. Because it is them from whom you learn the proper usage of Japanese language in day to day life. And once you know the proper usage in speaking, writing is no problem. Then you only need to master a few alphabets. Actually, be it any language, even your mother tongue, you first learn to speak and much later, to write. So, follow the natural path.

Start with the simple greetings, salutations, etiquettes etc. Try to introduce them gradually along with English, or your mother tongue. You may also use them to pull attention among your friends or just to pose off. But remember, you are still benefiting yourself. The more you use, the more you achieve perfection.

Now, the problem is that you won't always find Japanese speaking people around you. So, what to do then? Why not watch Japanese movies, TV serials, cartoons (of course, don't keep the "Mute" button on) etc. Then you may also buy tutorial CDs and listen to them and try interacting with them. Another important thing! This will also help you a lot to learn to speak and read Japanese. Make Japanese way of life your way of life. Decorate your rooms with Japanese decorations, try their paper arts and learn about their culture, drink tea their way and many such things. These will not only add spice to your daily monotonous like, but will help you learn Japanese too. Because, the more you look at them, the more you try to recall their names or the phrases associated with them, in the way remembering them. So, I don't think it is that tough to learn to speak and read Japanese. Till then, Sayonara!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Make Your Resume Speak and Find the Right Job

By SC Mishra

Your resume is one of the most important documents that you will ever have to create in your life. And yet, many people spend no more than an hour creating their resume! Perhaps their resumes are accurate then? Maybe their entire work history can be hastily written in an hour - all their skills, knowledge, qualifications, interests and experience! Or are they just underselling themselves?

Take a step back from your resume. Think about it for a minute about what you have written. You are giving these few sheets of paper to a complete stranger and hope they will help you change your life! Sure, you know what you meant in that summary you wrote....but do they? Often, people miss out certain important aspects of their capabilities because they assume that the person reading the resume will know what they meant. But is this the case? Not always.

Pretend a complete stranger handed it to you and have a think about what your resume really says about you. Consider even passing it to a friend or relative and ask them to read over it. This is particularly effective with people who do not know much about your profession - chances are the recruiter will know just as little! Well, that usually is not true, but if you assume it is, then you cover yourself!

Tragically, those who don't lie on their resumes stand to lose jobs to those who do. That's where most candidates go wrong and are tempted to give in to peer pressure or exploitation at the hands of a head-hunter. In times of temptation, it is important to remember that it is what you do with the document, rather than what the document can do for you. A resume is only a marketing tool.

Split up each section of your resume and write in on a separate document and have a look at it on its own. Remember - recruiters will be focusing on individual parts of your resume more than the resume as a whole (it's all new to them - they are reading it and learning about you for the first time).

Another benefit of doing this is that it lets you refine areas of your resume one by one. Sometimes we tend to jump from section to section, doing little bits here and there. This can lead to your resume having an inconsistent feel.

Having read your resume as if it were not your own, can you honestly say you liked what you read? Is the person you describe on your resume the kind of person you would hire for the job you are applying for? What have you missed?

Try to figure it out sincerely, this is your first step towards your dream job!

So just do not just churn out a resume and send it out to apply for jobs. It's a very important part of your job search and if you don't get it right, you will get more practice because you will be applying for lots of jobs!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Speak Well, Read Well And Write Well With English Tutor NYC

By Hugh Goldsmith

As the world becomes a smaller place, there is one language that is binding us to each other. Be it for business, education or just social communication, English is the common language spoken by people across the world. All countries have their specific language but it is difficult to communicate with others if they do not speak your language. At times like this, English plays the role of the common medium that makes communication possible and simple. However, not everyone gets the right facility to learn this language well and at times, the learning ability also differs from person to person. Under these circumstances it is important to have a good guide and teacher to help you out. If you stay in New York then the best person to help you in learning this language well is an English tutor NYC.

Whether you are preparing for a competitive exam or applying for a job, it is inherent that you know good English. Learning it on your own is not a feasible option as you will not know where you may be going wrong. An English tutor NYC can perfectly guide you through the rules and techniques of reading, writing and speaking perfect English that will stand you in good stead in the years to come. Selection of a good English tutor NYC therefore, becomes the prime concern when you want to learn the language well. The right place to find such a teacher would be the yellow pages, reference from past students or perhaps advertisements of any of the good tutorial homes that provide such teachers. It is necessary that the student is completely satisfied with the teacher's credentials before entrusting their future to that person.

A good English tutor NYC will be able to spot the weak points and strengths of each student. A person may be weak in grammar but good with vocabulary or literature. The tutor should take the responsibility of polishing the skills of a student while eliminating the weakness. Also, the format for various examinations falls into a particular pattern and a good tutor should be well aware of these and train his students accordingly. A reputed English tutor who is dedicated to the welfare of his students will also try to keep himself or herself constantly upgraded with the latest course and style of teaching.

When a student is looking for a good English tutor NYC, it is best to go with the reference of the previous students. Check their performance and then select a tutor who has a successful track record with his students. The parents should also keep a check on which tutor is being selected by their children before hiring the teacher. Once you have selected the best, then you can rest easy as now it is the duty and responsibility of the English tutor to extract the best performance from the student. If the student works in tandem with the teacher, there is no doubt that very good results can be achieved.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Skip Church and Write Articles - Better for the Psyche and Your Income

By Lance Winslow

Many online article writers take Sundays off and this seems rather silly because Sunday is a perfect day for writing. If they were smart, they might take Wednesday off from their writing endeavors instead. The best thing you can do if you want to live and honest and good life is to skip church on Sunday, and do a little writing and reflecting. There is no need to go to a church to remind you to be a good person each week, if you already are a good person.

Of course, if you are an evil person, then maybe you should go to church. Let's assume for the moment that you are a good person you do not need to go to church to listen to someone tell you to be good or quote scriptures from an old ancient book. Instead of listening to all those sermons, why not write articles on why being a good person is a really good idea? Writing your own sermons so to speak in the form of articles.

Why not write about the moral decay in our society, why not write about what we can do to be better human beings, and live together on this planet in harmony and why not give solutions? Why not skip church and write articles; articles, that means something, that help enlighten others?

You can do a lot more good helping other people by writing articles on Sunday, than going to a church and listening to repeats and re-runs of what you've already heard or already know. I'm sure the church will not care if you send them a check for the tightening.

It is much better to reflect on the previous week, rather than trying to fill guilty about it. You should focus on the future and help others focus on their future through your article writing. Please skip church, and don't ever go back again, instead write very good articles that help people. Use your tithing to buy some better word processing software, become your own church.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Get Off the Rocking Horse and Write Naturally

By Laurie Brenner

Have you ever found yourself stuck in your writing like a child on a rocking horse? Rocking back and forth, writing and editing, and wondering why your story doesn't take you anywhere?

As a writer for a local weekly newspaper, I couldn't afford the luxury of writing and editing. I just had to write and worry about editing later; there's something about a deadline that moves you along. How do you learn to move beyond the wooden horse, to the real horse, that story or article that will take you across vistas where the sun sets in marmalade skies and where the grass ripples like a green sea?

As a painter, I've learned the value of painting from the right side of your brain. The right brain paints what it sees, whereas the left paints what it thinks it should be. I wondered to myself if there were something for writers along these same lines. I discovered there was.

Our brains are divided into two hemispheres right and left and are joined by a strange piece of gray matter called the corpus collusum. The corpus collusum acts like a switching station. In right-brain driven individuals it tends to be larger. The right brain could be referred to as the feminine or creative side (the writer) whereas the left-brain (the editor) could be referred to as the male or logical side.

The left brain provides us with language, syntax, denotation, analytical thought, logic, math, etc. In the right brain, we discover creativity, patterns of sound, metaphor, ambiguities, and paradox.

In right-brain painting classes the teacher gets you to let go of the image of what you think you see, to seeing only what is there and consequently drawing it. This is done by taking a picture, placing it upside down, and covering up all but a little portion of the picture. You begin to draw only what you see on the page. As you move along, you uncover a little more of the picture as you draw. Practice this sometime to learn to free up your right brain.

You may be wondering - do you write upside down? No - you don't. According to Gabrielle Lusser Rico, author of the book Writing The Natural Way, "if you can speak, form letters on the page, know the rudiments of sentence structure, take a telephone message, or write a thank-you note, you have sufficient language skills to learn to write the natural way."

In her first chapter, "Releasing Your Inner Writer," Rico describes the two different hemispheres of the brain as "Sign and Design" Mind. She describes the interplay between the two hemispheres and lets us know that any good solid writing is collaboration between these two talents of the two hemispheres.

In her second chapter lay the real gems. Here's where we learn to "cluster" or "map" our creative thinking process. She calls clustering the "doorway to your design mind." The method she utilizes begins with a "nucleus word" or short phrase that "acts as the stimulus for recording all the associations that spring to mind in a very brief period of time."

You take your nucleus word or phrase and write it in the middle of a page, drawing a circle around it. Then you let yourself free associate. Every thought, feeling, or idea that comes from that word you write down in little bubbles away from that "nucleus word" but attached by a line. You keep going until you feel the shift in your mind to quit. You may have to do this several times before you recognize the feeling. It's ok - tell yourself it's just play.

She tells us that this methodology is not "merely the spilling of words and phrases at random, but something much more complex: for the Design mind, each association leads inexorably to the next with a logic of its own even though the Sign mind does not perceive the connection." This is learning to write from the creative side of your brain.

This methodology of clustering is like throwing a rock into a pond, it unfolds from the center, each ripple, or thought moving outward. After the completion of the clustering, (and you will learn to know when this occurs), you write a vignette, a poem, whatever strikes you, using the words from your clustering spider web and whatever else comes out of you.

What you'll find is an interesting piece, almost like poetry, with an undiscovered beauty emanating from within you. It's a very rewarding experience.

With enough practice, you won't even need to do the "clustering" approach, as you'll be able to feel the shift internally into that hemisphere of the brain, not unlike shifting into high gear.

Peter Elbow, the author of "Writing with Power" says, "When we were little we had no difficulty sounding the way we felt; thus most little children speak and write with real voice."

Read your writing aloud. Words are meant to be spoken aloud. When you hear it, you'll hear those places where it doesn't flow and you'll feel it. They'll stick out of your sentences and paragraphs like stickers in your socks.

As a writer - it's also important that you allow yourself time. Time to practice, time to play, time to perfect. With time, you'll discover yourself as a writer. You'll find your voice. You'll lift it to sing.

Try different things. Write poetry. Write a movie critique. Write a story. Try writing a newspaper article, a how-to. Try describing the indescribable. Challenge yourself. There's nothing that says you have to show it to anybody. Most professional writers (and best-selling authors) have scads of journals they wouldn't even show their best friends.

Writing doesn't necessarily mean sculpting every word from your mind with a chisel. Your head is not a rock. Be gentle with yourself. Enjoy, kick back, let loose, try this clustering method, learn to relax that muscle between your ears, and who knows, one day, all of sudden, you just might find yourself writing.
